Here's a sneak peak at some of the new mixes available soon. 20+ combinations have just arrived on our delivery dock and we're excited about what we've unearthed so far. These mixes include hundreds of new shape/color/and finish combinations. You can see by this photo of olivine oval beads that the type of finish applied to a bead creates dramatically different results. From the top we have Picasso, Luster transparent Topaz/Pink, Silver Specks and Vega finishes. Check them out and if you find a unique color combo you'd like more of let us know!
New Ultra Lusters! This mix includes many colors from the increasingly popular, intensely colored opaque luster collection with an extra layer of Picasso finish added to create a truly warm, rustic feel. Other complimentary shapes are coming soon as well.
Teal Picasso! Milky Pink Picasso! Chroust Picasso?! Yes! No bead was spared in the making of this wonderfully eclectic chunky mix.
I want some of each! Now just to sell enough bead kits LOL
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